Just when I though it was safe to pack up the practice tests, I found out that passing the Illinois bar exam was only the first step. There is no reciprocity in the jurisdiction of Blawg Review!
You will be given three hours to complete this Blawg Review. Your score will be based on the number of questions you answer correctly. It is therefore to your advantage to try to answer as many questions as you can. Use your time effectively. Do not hurry, but work steadily and as quickly as you can without sacrificing your accuracy.
Blawg Review has information about next week’s host, and instructions on how to get your blawg posts reviewed in upcoming issues.
Brilliant. Flat out brilliant! And fun!
WOW! Creatively brilliant.
Bring Your No. 2 Pencil to Blawg Review #182
I’m poll watching in Nevada. Why this is so exhausting I’m not certain. The poll workers are uniformly great. Patient. Persistent. Painstaking. The people who are voting remind me of jurors in the way they approach their civic duty. Today,…
Once again, GCs weigh in on law firms.
Via the vigilant and all-powerful Ed. of Blawg Review, see by John Wallbillich at Wired GC “Managing Outside Counsel Survey”, with links to an interesting ACC survey. “40% of outside counsel report terminating a law firm relationship”, a number which…
Blawg Review #182
Blogs are such great things, connecting so many people to so many others and ideas. It’s these connections that projects like Blawg Review are designed to celebrate. This week’s is hosted by recent bar-passer Dave Gulbrensen, who included my mortgage…