Steve Nipper at The Invent Blog would like someone to "Explain Patents v. Copyrights" and his readers oblige in the post comments.

J. Matthew Buchanan at Promote the Progress offers some insight on "The Patent Reform Act of 2006 - Senator Hatch sets a trail blaze in the waning days of the 109th Congress" and why it will have to wait for the 110th.

Over at the irrepressibly prolific blawger Howard Bashman offers some commentary on "What Do Appellate Attorneys Actually Do?"

Is legal writing really that important? Ken Adams over at has a great post on just how costly a drafting error can be in "Costly Drafting Errors, Part 1".

From the student blawgers, R. Enochs discusses a concern for more and more young people in, "Trademarked Tattoos... Infringement?"

Jim Calloway of the Law Practice Tips Blog and inter alia's Tom Mighell have pened a guide to "Marketing Your Practice with a Weblog".

An oldie-but-a-goodie post from Prof. Orin Kerr, "How to Read a Judicial Opinion: A Guide for New Law Students" deserves another look, because there are probably a few practicing attorneys out there who could use a refresher. Sorry, no CLE.

Over at Overlawyered Walter Olson and Ted Frank are asking very tough questions about "Cruel and Unusual Sex" the Constitutional question theatening to tear this country in twain.

The Greatest American Lawyer reminds us to "Just Think Of the F***ing Client," which I nominate for Law Firm Mission Statement of the Year.

IPKat has a great suggestion for some last minute summer reading, "From Squaw Tit to Whorehouse Meadow: How Maps Name, Claim, and Inflame."

Over at Opinio Juris Kevin Heller rexamines one of the century's most notable events in,"Commemorating Hiroshima -- Was it a War Crime??

For those graduating and entering the working world, editor Ross Runkel at the LawMemo asks, "What about "at will" did you not understand?"

Apparently, the folks at the IRS aren't "at-will" as Richard Bales of the Workplace Prof Blog notes there's, "A Lot of Inappropriate Email at the IRS".

David Bernstein at The Volokh Conspiracy discusses some of the troubles facing the middle east by posing the question, "Does Japan Have the Right to Exist As a Japanese State?"

The WSJ's Peter Lattman of the the WSJ's Law Blog offers up the "Law Blog Rocker of the Day: Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz".

Learning is a lifelong endeavor, which is why Bruce MacEwen of Adam Smith, Esq. offers up "The First 100 Days as Managing Partner: Everything You Need to Know".

Ron Coleman of Likelihood of Confusion has a "Redskins redux" which looks at the lastest developments for the troubled trademark.

Some members of the Academe may be on the cutting edge with bloggin, but Charon QC offers up a post about a Professor who "does not do email".

Prof. Daniel Solove of Concurring Opinions has a post about "The AOL Privacy Debacle: Internet Search Queries and Privacy" as well as links to other posts related to searches and privacy. Required reading for anyone turning to Google for information these days.

Remember Blawgr? It looks like it's gearing up for a re-launch, and for some reason, that has Kevin O'Keefe of Real Lawyers Have Blogs all in a tizzy. Hey, we wouldn't be perverted if we didn't like to push buttons.

Next week's host, QuizLaw, tells us why, "Sometimes, Lawyers Just Suck" and gets us ready for the "large-member defense". A fine hand-off from Preaching to the Perverted, pun intended.

This week's Blawg Review #70 was brought to you by Preaching to the Perverted. $If you have to ask...

Your host next week will be the fine folks at QuizLaw who promise to deliver "Simple Answers to Complex Legal Questions". $Call for price!

Visit QuizLaw next week for Blawg Review #71!

Comments welcome!


Blawg Review has information about next week's host, and instructions on how to get your blawg posts reviewed in upcoming issues.