I had a dream last night where I was older, and my memory had begun to fade. That’s not the frightening part. The frightening part was that medical science had discovered that you never really loose any of your memories–they were all intact, in your mind, just awaiting retrieval. It turned out that the reason we became forgetful in old age wasn’t failing memory, it was an inadequate retrieval system. As we got older, we had so many memories accumulated, that our minds just couldn’t search them fast enough.
So we all had personal Google interfaces to our minds.
Yes, I dreamt that I had a personal Google interface in my own mind, and I was using it to recall my own memories.
Hmmm. Frightening implications, but in many ways that would be way, way, cool. You could just write a robots.txt to avoid indexing all the unsavory stuff you’d simply rather forget!
Weekly Law School Roundup #49
This Week: The Roger Corman Edition, In Which Your Editor Conducts the Weekly Round-Up While Simultaneously Drawing Up a List of Really Rotten Roger Corman Movies The Undead Are weblogs turning weblog authors into emotional zombies? [In Limine] Not of
We have that, in a way. If you use Outlook, NewsGator, and Google Desktop, all your e-mails, documents, RSS feeds, is all being saved. I write some of the more memorable stuff I do on my blog, so it goes into Google (actually MSN Toolbar Suite, same idea though). So depending on what you put into your computer, you could, in theory, search just about anything.