“This is not a time for a candidate who will offend no one; it is time for a candidate who takes clear stands and kicks ass.”
God, I love Molly Ivins. Finally, someone has articulated my complete and utter frustration with the Democratic Party.
Wise Up, Suckers
“This is not a time for a candidate who will offend no one; it is time for a candidate who takes clear stands and kicks ass.”
God, I love Molly Ivins. Finally, someone has articulated my complete and utter frustration with the Democratic Party.
Copyright © 2025 David Gulbransen · All Rights Reserved
Oh! I read that article! I loved it, too – if you can say “I loved it” about something that made me feel all frustrated and knotted up inside. As if there are no answers and no path and no hope ….
Dave!, you’d have chuckled at me the other day. I was so inspired by George Clooney’s Huffington Post, I left a comment suggesting he make movies in Indiana (and of course, when he contacted me to tell me what a great idea, I’d let it drop that I write screenplays). The idea being, stop the back and forth nonesense, and start analyzing why red state people would be so desperate as to believe in Bush.
Anyhow, minutes after, the Clooney post was taken down, as he let it be known that he didn’t write it. I don’t think he read my comment. Serves me right, I suppose. I also lost my “Oh boy! People are being proactive!” buzz.
I’ll go read some Molly Ivins now.