Adobe announced plans to acquire Macromedia in an all-stock transaction, valued at $3.4 billion.
Of course the impact on tools like Flash and Acrobat could really be something… but I’ll bet we can see Freehand disappear. And maybe GoLive, too? 🙂
Wise Up, Suckers
Adobe announced plans to acquire Macromedia in an all-stock transaction, valued at $3.4 billion.
Of course the impact on tools like Flash and Acrobat could really be something… but I’ll bet we can see Freehand disappear. And maybe GoLive, too? 🙂
Could Google be any cooler? They just launched Google Video.
You can use it to search current shows, which is nice and all… but the cool factor is that you can upload your own video. They even have a mechanism for you to charge for downloads of your video.
But it’s not all wine and roses… Examine some of the fine print of the TOS and learn that if you have a really popular video… Google might bill you for the bandwidth!
Still, this could turn out to be super cool…
[PVR Blog]
My wife and I have been wanting to get a Tivo for the bedroom for some time now and with the current Tivo promo program, there was no time like the present. I have an old Sony Tivo (Series 1) which I love and has been with me for many, many years. We unpacked the new Tivo and moved the old one into the bedroom… but now, I’m thinking about getting another Series 2 Tivo for the bedroom. Wow. I mean, wow. The Series 2 has some great features:
It’s really the Home Media Option that was the real killer app for me. Wow, it is completely kick ass. Wow. It is. Wow.
First, it supports the PC and the Mac. But I use it with my Mac. In less than 30 seconds, I had the “Tivo Desktop” software installed and up and running on my Mac. It allows me to share photos from my iPhoto albums, and music from iTunes. So now, all 25k+ songs in my music library and all 5k+ photos in my photo library can be shared to the Tivo. And a quick output from the Tivo into my amp, and viola! My entire music library, on-line, and browsable. It’s amazing. I love it. I’m in heaven.
Having left IE some time ago for Firefox (and never looked back) I found this page very helpful. Still, I managed to miss this one, and it’s great:
You can use “/” to search, via the “Find As You Type” search! Just hit the “/” key and you get the search dialog, in focus, type in your term and it finds the result… just like vi!
Yeah, I know it’s an old feature, but it’s new to me… 🙂
I had a dream last night where I was older, and my memory had begun to fade. That’s not the frightening part. The frightening part was that medical science had discovered that you never really loose any of your memories–they were all intact, in your mind, just awaiting retrieval. It turned out that the reason we became forgetful in old age wasn’t failing memory, it was an inadequate retrieval system. As we got older, we had so many memories accumulated, that our minds just couldn’t search them fast enough.
So we all had personal Google interfaces to our minds.
Yes, I dreamt that I had a personal Google interface in my own mind, and I was using it to recall my own memories.
Calling all Mac users… you know you’re out there… 🙂 I need some advice. Two things, really:
1. Do I sell my G4 and get a Mac Mini? I have a dual 800MHz G4. I do love it, but damn is it big. And I have a tiny condo and a tiny office. My PC is a Shuttle, so you know I love the small. I used to do video editing on the G4… but now I have a G5 at work, and well, with school, I barely have time to do much else.
If I sell the G4, I could offset the cost of a sweet little mini that would look great on my desk, and use my existing monitor, etc. However, I would like to occasionally run Final Cut Pro and DVD Studio Pro on it. What do you think?
2. Does anyone know of a good KVM switch for USB devices?
Okay, not necessarily Mac specific. But I have a USB Keyboard and a USB mouse that I would like to use for both my Mac and my PC. Most of the KVM switches I’ve seen are for PS/2 devices. I have found a few, but none that look, well, very good. Any pointers?
I am still lusting a Mac Mini, but the iPod Shuffle struck me as kinda lame and a bad deal when it was announced, and now, check this out:
Cheaper, about the same size, and more features… including a screen!
The Mac Mini is cool.. the iPod Shuffle is, well, diluting a really great brand (the iPod).
I’m not sure where I went wrong. Maybe it was my choice of titles for the blog… “Preaching to the Perverted” does sound like some kind of weirdo porn site these days, I guess. It’s actually a reference to a PWEI song.
Maybe it’s the fact that when I was visiting my brother in Japan, we were asked to take an “English Tourist” survey at Nijo-jo by the Hachigaok Jr. High English Club, and I foolishly took their picture and posted it on my site. Now, the most common search bringing people to my personal web site is “japanese school girl”. Of course, it fluctuates. Last month it was “atheist” because of this photo.
Whatever the reason, I’ve apparently been targeted as a compulsive dieter with a small penis and an addiction to Texas hold ’em. There must really be something to spam because anyone who knows me can tell you that description is dead-on.
So recently, in between hands of poker and poping diet pills while applying for a super-low rate second mortgage, I decided to add a CAPTCHA test for comment submissions. Not because I want to stop you, gentle reader, from taking advantage of these great offers people have been posting to my site, oh no! I want you to get your diet pills, card games, sexual enhancement devices, porn, mortgages, car loans, etc. I just want my cut of the action, like Evan.
And it did work… for about two days. The CAPTCHA test cut my daily comment spam down from 25-30 per day (yes, you read that correctly) to zero.
Alas, all good things must come to an end… and I came in today to find that I’ve already received 15 spam trackback pings today.
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