Yesterday, the Republican controlled Congress upped the U.S. Credit Limit to 9 Trillion Dollars rather than cut spending or eliminate tax breaks that by their own admission account for 30% of the increase in the Federal debt!
Senator Hip O’Crit (R-LalaLand) said, “Sure, a decade ago we had a contract with America. But clearly, it was a bad deal for us, so now we have to go back and amend it. Thankfully, we’re completely unchecked by these knock-kneed ‘Spendocrats’.”
Asked if he thought it might send the wrong message to the American public, that rather than control spending and get the budget under control, the easy answer is to just keep running up debt, Sen. Backslap McLobbyist (R-Cronyville) said, “What, you want us to belt tighten? Have you seen our pork bellies?! Hey, it’s good to be King! Er, I mean, we wouldn’t want a government shutdown, now would we? Hmm? Are you a terrorist?!”